Helping students learn at their own pace

The continuous learning plan at the James E. Davis school is a model of instruction that can occur at any time. Students can independently self-pace their learning once teachers share the educational resources. The State of Indiana has required this due to the numbers of schools having to go to e-learning as a result of COVID-19.

District or Charter School Name James E. Davis School (A480)

Section One: Delivery of Learning

  1. Describe how you will deliver continuous learning opportunities for all students, including special student populations.
    • All students have been doing and will continue to do e-learning until the end of the school year.  Our special education teacher is keeping in virtual contact with all special needs students. We are not taking the 20-day waiver.
  1. Describe how your district communicates expectations for continuous learning implementation to 1.) students, 2.) families, and 3.) staff.
    • Our Dean of Students is the liaison between staff, students and parents. He monitors students’ work and mediates issues as they happen. He does this through email, phone and video when necessary.
  1. Describe student access to academic instruction, resources, and supports during continuous learning.
    • Students and teachers use Google Classroom to implement and access all assignments. Using this platform along with email, cell phone and video chats each day, teachers can support student learning and help them find the resources they need to be successful.
  1. What equipment and tools are available to staff and students to enable your continuous learning plan? Please list.
    • Each student has a Chromebook that they can use at their house. Every student’s house has the Internet. Every teacher has a computer provided by the school. The school provides teachers and students appropriate software to complete all assignments.
  1. Describe how educators and support staff are expected to connect with students and families on an ongoing basis.
    • Teachers are expected to contact students daily. They are to make and take cell phone calls as needed. They are to video chat with students who need additional direction in order to complete assignments. They contact parents weekly regarding progress and any issues.
  1. Describe your method for providing timely and meaningful academic feedback to students.
    • Students’ work is to be graded within 24 hours of being submitted. Each teacher uses Jupiter Ed and email to provide feedback regarding student assignments.

Section Two: Achievement and Attendance

  1. Does your continuous learning plan provide an avenue for students to earn high school credits? If so, describe the approach.
    • Students who pass their classes earn credits just as if they were in physical classes. Many teachers were already using Google classes for their in-school teaching, so they continue to this platform.
  1. Describe your attendance policy for continuous learning.
    • Students are to check-in with their teachers daily or log into their class.  A log-in or check-in counts as a day attended.
  1. Describe your long-term goals to address skill gaps for the remainder of the school year.
    • We hope to improve our software in the future to address students who struggle with academics and/or e-learning. We will also provide teachers with training on online teaching to better prepare them for future situations like this.

Section Three: Staff Development

  1. Describe your professional development plan for continuous learning.
    • As stated before, all staff will be provided specific PD in software use. Teachers will also undergo training on how to effectively teach online and best practices in both interaction and delivery.

Do you have inquiries about the school?

Please contact Elicia Cooper at 765-894-8106 or via her email below. Elicia will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the James E. Davis School and post-secondary scholarships.

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